
Industrial Design

MOT Mini Pot

Is there a way to reuse the 3d printing mock-ups that d'ORIGIN creates
while working on projects rather than breaking them down and throwing them away?
'MOT' is a brand that started with the idea of.

'MOT' 은 디오리진이 프로젝트가 끝날 때마다 쌓여있는 3D 프린팅 목업을 부숴서 버리지 않고 
재사용 할 수 있는 방법이 없을까?  '라는 생각에서 시작된 브랜드입니다.

Design  /  d'ORIGIN
Date  /  2023

Mot series are potted plants that are made of filament after crushing
3d printing mock-ups and then printing them again with 3d printing.

The compressed soil and seeds are enclosed inside the overcap, which serves as a cap and pedestal.
It has a completely different image before and when used as a pot.

Open the cap, turn it over, pour the water, and plant the enclosed seeds.
There is a chalet in the bottom, so the water is collected.

There are three sizes: 1scoop / 2scoop / 3scoop. 1, 2 scoops are 1 plant, The 3scoop has two choices: circular and grid.
In the case of 3scoop, you can plant two seeds in a grid-separated pot to create your own pot.

Check items on the back of the package to see what colors and plants are in it.
Booyoung Buliding 203, 40, Baekjegobun-ro 41-gil, 
Songpa-gu, Seoul,Republic of Korea, 05623

Copyright 2023. d'ORIGIN. All rights reserved.


'MOT'은 디오리진이 프로젝트들을 진행하며 발생하는 3d 프린팅 목업들을 재사용하기 위해 시작한 브랜드입니다. Mot series는 3d printing 목업들을 부순 후 필라멘트로 제작하여 다시 3d printing으로 출력한 화분들입니다. 컬러의 경우 프 Read More
